The Fall semester is in full swing, and most students are back in school and on campus, albeit with masks, random COVID tests, socially distanced lunchrooms, and lots of other
Category: Column
In my February 2019 article, I shared information regarding the recently released C6 Biliteracy Framework™. As I wrote in that piece, for the longest time, dual language educators have
Music connects to the soul, regardless of what language it’s in. What does being bilingual mean for a kid who is growing up in poverty, or close to it? Besides
Language is an insight into thinking, culture, humanity, history. Being bilingual/multilingual helps us with perspective-taking and empathy. This is something our world really needs right now. As dual language education
I am ashamed to admit that sometimes, while still a teacher, I created lesson plans on the fly. As an educator, I worked hard to meet students’ varied needs, to
In Walthamstow, England, “SPEAK ENGLISH” was sprawled across a wall in large, loud and unfriendly letters in a very populated area. Walthamstow is a working-class neighborhood in London, with many
El Día de Acción de Gracias es una celebración que va más allá de compartir una cena en familia y agradecer por los beneficios recibidos. Sin demeritar la importancia de
As you may know, my “day job” takes me to Capitol Hill to advocate for all things language. With the mid-term elections having past, it’s time to reflect on what
Es una celebración nacional que dio origen en 1968 con el presidente Lyndon Johnson y que posteriormente el presidente Ronald Reagan extiende a un mes de celebración, dando comienzo el
Today, I have (bits of) good news to share. Maybe lots of it, or maybe stuff we already knew… maybe even things that we need other people to acknowledge. Lately,