Awaken Learning Academy Parent Institutes Offering Virtual Workshops for Parents
Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher as documented by education neuroresearchers who study the relationship between the parental role, developing minds, learning, knowledge acquisition and success in every culture, worldwide.
Awaken Learning Academy is excited to offer PARENT WORKSHOPS based on two new areas of scientific research, Education Neuroscience and the Relational Leadership Framework.
NEW FOUNDATION Education Neuroscience Foundation’s (ENF) goal is to build a NEW FOUNDATION for learning in the 21st century by providing parents current research-based information, activities and training on how the brain develops, processes information and acquires knowledge. Our purpose is to ensure all families have the tools needed to positively impact a child’s education which begins pre-birth and continues throughout a lifetime.
EXCEPTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR LEARNING Relational leadership draws from the child, parent, and school relationship research that consists of seven categories focusing on the child’s well-being; Building parent capacity, Educating parents in early childhood education, Putting the family at the center of the child’s learning ecosystem, Empowering parents to advocate for children, Building relationships with parents, Building a bridge between home and school learning, Supporting teacher’s/parent’ relationship.
NEW JOURNEY Awaken Learning Academy (ALA) honors the primary role of parents in education. ALA aims to keep parents and primary caregivers in charge of a child’s education journey. We begin the journey, together, by sharing current research-based strategies and activities for home and community use which promote and support early childhood development. Families with September 14, 2020 3 children ages pre-birth to 5 years old of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to participate in ALA’s Parent Virtual Workshops.
Please visit:, to learn more and register for Awaken Learning Academy’s premiere parent webinar series Saturdays: October 17-December 12, 2020 3:00- 4:30pm (central).