Provide Professional Learning for All


Provide professional learning for the Dual Language (DL) Leadership Team on the various aspects of DL programs to build their capacity to make the best decisions regarding the DL program. Provide initial and continuing professional learning on DL education for all involved in the DL program, including the staff at each site implementing a DL program.


It will be important for all who will be making the decisions regarding the DL program to have an opportunity to learn more about DL programs prior to making any decisions. Being able to stay current in all the aspects of a DL program is also critical to its success and sustainability. District and DL site administrators, as well as DL teachers and other personnel involved in the program, should have regular opportunities to participate in professional learning specifically focused on DL programs each year in addition to all the other professional learning offered to them through the district and their site.

Professional Learning for the Dual Language Leadership Team

Often, districts will reach out to a consultant who specializes in DL programs to provide professional learning for the DL Leadership Team to support them in making the many decisions necessary to start a DL program. Suggested topics for the professional learning include, but are not limited to:

· DL program types (one-way or two-way)

· DL program models (90:10, 50:50, etc.)

· DL implementation models (whole school or strand)

· Importance of the DL language allocation plan

· Biliteracy development

· Second language acquisition

· Developing sociocultural competence

· Research-based instructional practices for DL classrooms

· Academic language development in English and the partner language

· English language development for English Learners in the DL program

· The DL Program Reflection System (to be discussed in Step 7)

· The DL Student Progress Reflection System (to be discussed in Step 7)

Professional Learning for Administrators and Site Staff

Ongoing professional learning should be offered each year to DL site administrators, DL teachers, and support staff at DL sites to support increasingly higher levels of alignment with the research-based programs that demonstrated high levels of academic achievement and biliteracy for their students.

Offer initial professional learning on DL education for district and DL site administrators as well as staff members (certificated and classified) at sites implementing a DL program. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

· DL program types

· DL program models (90:10, 50:50, etc.)

· DL implementation models (whole school or strand)

· Importance of the DL language allocation plan

· Biliteracy development

· Second language acquisition

· Developing sociocultural competence

· Research-based instructional practices for DL classrooms

· Academic language development in English and the partner language

· English language development for English Learners in the DL program

· The DL Program Reflection System (to be discussed in Step 7)

· The DL Student Progress Reflection System (to be discussed in Step 7)

After the first year of implementation, professional learning topics can be derived from the one or two areas for growth that were identified through the DL Program Reflection System and by conducting a needs assessment on an annual basis to identify further professional learning topics for the year for the DL Leadership Team, other district and site administrators, and DL site certificated and classified staff.


Professional Learning Consultants and Conferences

Often, districts will reach out to a consultant who specializes in DL education to provide this type of professional learning. These consultants may be found through various agencies and organizations:

· Your local county/regional office of education or regional center/state education department

· Association of Two-Way and Dual Language Education 

· California Association for Bilingual Education

· Center for Applied Linguistics

· Dual Language Education New Mexico

· Dual Language

Professional learning is also available through many conferences that focus on or include presentations on DL programs throughout the year. Organizations that offer DL conferences include:

· Association of Two-Way and Dual Language Education 

· California Association for Bilingual Education

· Dual Language Education New Mexico – La Cosecha

· Loyola Marymount University (LMU) Jornada pedagógica internacional 

· National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE; )


Opportunities for Other Types of Professional Learning

We recommend that other types of professional learning be made available for those involved in the DL program throughout each year. Some suggestions include collaboration time for DL teachers to focus on the implementation of the DL program (e.g., vertical alignment; fidelity to th language allocation plan at each grade level, etc.) and instructional best practices as well as opportunities for district and DL site administrators, as well as DL teachers and other program personnel, to participate in any DL networks available at the regional or county level.


Professional Learning Partnership Opportunities

Pursuing a partnership with a local university may result in a mutually beneficial relationship with regard to professional learning for DL teachers by faculty members on DL topics and for university faculty members on current DL educational issues/topics.