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How do the new Seal of Biliteracy Guidelines support the needs of dual language programs? 

What tools can dual language programs use to implement the Seal of Biliteracy?

How can we ensue the Seal of Biliteracy is equitable and  available to all learners? 

What are the models that exist to connect the Seal of Biliteracy to elementary learners in dual language programs?

In this webinar, panelists from JNCL-NCLIS, AATSP, ACTFL, NABE and Seal of Biliteracy discuss various way to support dual language schools implementing their Seal of Biltieracy programs.

JNCL/NCLIS  https://www.languagepolicy.org/lad  
ACTFL https://www.actfl.org/convention-and-expo   
AATSP https://www.aatsp.org/page/2022Conference 
NABE https://www.nabe-conference.com/index.html