Dual Language Schools Webinars
The astounding effectiveness of Dual Language Education: 35 years of indisputable research findings.
Online Conference CARegistration at full capacity: Please join the waiting list. Drs. Thomas and Collier will share the astounding effectiveness of Dual Language Education: 35 years of indisputable research findings.
Testimonios: A Critical Component of Decolonizing the U.S. Classroom with Dr. José Medina
Online Conference CAPaulo Freire, author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, defines critical consciousness as the ability to intervene in reality as a means to change it, with a focus on equity and social justice. Unfortunately,
Advancing Equity in Dual Language Programs: A Guide for Leaders with Mariana Castro & Silvia Romero-Johnson
Educators have faced unprecedented challenges this school year -from reimagining instruction in virtual environments to addressing news of social injustices in their communities and across the world. One way to
The Guiding Principles and the Critical Third Pillar: Socio-Cultural Competence with Center for Applied Linguistics
Online Conference CAIn the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, 3rd edition, the third goal of dual language programs, socio-cultural competence, is a critical aspect of every component of dual-language programming and
Music, Creativity and the Arts for Multilingual Learners
ZoomBilingual Edutainer and Keynote Speaker of MABE 2021 Guero Loco aka Mr. GL presents this webinar focused on leveraging Music, Creativity, Empathy and The Arts, to support and inspire the best from our multilingual learners.
Leveraging the Students’ Linguistic Repertoire Through “la trenza de la biliteracidad”
ZoomThis session demonstrates an approach to biliteracy instruction that leverages the student's full linguistic repertoire by strategically planning for content, language, and literacy across both program languages through the Preview-View-Review strategy.
Un nuevo volumen de Hablando bien se entiende la gente: enseñar deleitando
Online Conference CAEsta presentación se trata del tercer volumen que compone la serie de libros titulada Hablando bien se entiende la gente. Como los anteriores, este tercer volumen enseña, en breves diálogos muy divertidos, cómo evitar en la lengua española los calcos del inglés, los falsos cognados, etc.
Spanish in the US: Myths and Realities
ZoomTo celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we are honored to have Dr. Kim Potowski, Professor & Director of the Spanish Heritage Language Program at UIC, to be our September speaker. This talk
The Seal of Biliteracy as a Catalyst for Growth in Dual Language Schools
ZoomHow do the new Seal of Biliteracy Guidelines support the needs of dual language programs? What tools can dual language programs use to implement the Seal of Biliteracy?How can we ensue
Learning to Dance the Dual-Language Data Bachata
ZoomDiscover how to collaboratively use, plan for, and respond to critical dual-language data. This webinar is designed for participants to understand the actions needed to empower authentic dual-language data and
Using ESSER Funds to Support Dual Language Programs
Online Conference CAThe U.S. Congress passed three Coronavirus Relief Funding Laws from April 2020 to March 2021. Each of these laws included funding for K-12 education called Elementary and Secondary School Emergency
Discover and Celebrate the Power of Spanish
ZoomAn understanding of the structure and history of the Spanish language empowers educators to more effectively teach Spanish language and literacy skills. Come celebrate your identity as a Spanish speaker, and join us as we explore Spanish spelling rules, common mistakes, syllable structure, and the use of accents. Engage with sociocultural aspects of the Spanish language, like regional variations and historical influences that help explain why Spanish is the way it is today! And learn how all of this informs instructional activities to promote literacy skills in Spanish.