Tips on Marketing your Chinese Program

At the moment, over 1.2 billion people around the world speak Chinese. This makes it one of the most used languages around the world. If you are looking for a dual language program to take part in, then Chinese should be one of your considerations. In the US, 2.9 million people are speaking Chinese in their homes. This might seem like a small number, but it represents a shift in the way people communicate. For example, the majority of US dual language students have Spanish as their second language of instruction after English, but that dynamic is now changing. This is mostly because of the realization that Chinese will be useful for everyone to learn going forward. If you are thinking about starting a dual language program with Chinese as the target language, here is some helpful advice;

Give future generations the gift of being bilingual. To do this, utilize the below 5 tips on how to draw attention to your dual language program, and attract those who can get the most out of your program.

1.Emphasize on the importance of it all.

We all know that Chinese is one of the most popular languages in the world, but you have to push that narrative hard. Show parents of potential students the numbers of Chinese speakers around, and put an emphasis on the number of US residents taking an interest. Of course, all languages are important to learn, but especially for Chinese ELLs, a Chinese DL program can be life changing.

I love Chinese

2.Focus on the Global Perspective

Your program needs to have a global focus. For example, if you are looking to loop potential students in, talk about the potential of China in the global market. Talk about the role of Chinese speaking technocrats toward making a possible change in the murky waters of international economy. Learning Chinese will allow your children to have scholarship opportunities for college and potential job opportunities down the road.

Focus on Global Perspective

Continue reading for more helpful advice on marketing your Chinese Program…

3.Remind them that all Languages are Important

Chinese immersion is all about looking at what is going on around the world. ELLs need to focus on what their impact on the rest of the world could be. No language should be held as more important as another, however if a child is Chinese and looking to learn English, there must be dual language programs for them as well. This doesn’t mean they can’t learn Spanish or French down the way; this is simply just their opening to the bilingual world.

All Languages are Important

4.Make the point that Chinese can be learned

Chinese is not as difficult as advertised. There are a lot of reasons to think that the language is difficult, particularly in the difference of writing. The truth is that any variation of Chinese has a phonetic ring to it and is therefore and interesting subject of study. Research shows that students are more dedicated if they feel what they are looking at can be grasped.

Chinese can be Learned

In any dual language program, your child cannot go wrong as they are making a decision that will benefit them for a lifetime. However, if you are interested in Chinese as a target language, this is some helpful advice to market your program.

Arthur Chou
Author: Arthur Chou

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