Fun ideas for Dual Language Teachers for the Summer!

In the grand scheme of things, teachers tend to be overworked and underappreciated. And since we know that, wouldn’t it be nice if we tried to make life a lot more interesting for the people responsible for the education of our entire society?

When it comes to work pressure, dual language teachers surge right to the top. However, when summer rolls around, there is a whole avalanche of ideas you can latch on to make your otherwise busy days a lot more relaxed and exciting. Follow these tips to rejuvenate for the next school year!

• Jet out on a trip

Well, you don’t exactly have to get a jet for this one, but you certainly need to get away by some means. Think about traveling to a place that is disconnected from the rigors of your work and head over there for some relaxation. Of course, on a teacher’s salary, that isn’t always realistic. Take small trips, to a nearby park, or cultural center where you can learn from the community. The further the place from your work environment, the better. Trips take time to plan and execute, but you can always start the planning process early. Oh, and when you get there, stay away from the more serious books, will you? If you have to read, some Danielle Steel will do. Anything but your usual work books!

• Get some R&R

The school year is always about fussing over syllabi, assignments and lessons. Now that you have time to yourself, why not sit back and give yourself some rest and relaxation? You know you deserve it, right? A good idea would be to go for activities that leave you feeling good, such as a few naps here and there, the good old massage session or even some manicure and pedicures. Can’t afford the pricey salon? Find a neighbor, a co-worker, or the nearby barista, and don’t forget to return the favor! During this time, don’t be afraid to splurge a little on little odds and ends that matter to you but usually never get the time of day.

Continue reading for more advice for the summer..

• Advance yourself professionally

Dual immersion teachers have a tough syllabus to work with, and the demands of their work leave no time for professional growth. Well, how about using the summer to further your scope in the field? After all, we live in a highly competitive world, and only those with an edge make it to the top. You could decide to register for a course to advance yourself, or simply read or listen to people considered experts in your line of work. That will definitely give you a leg up. Take advantage of opportunities offered by your school for courses and scholarships in your field. There may be research opportunities that they will cover for the benefit of your students!

• Just get out of the house

The outdoors are liberating! They provide the perfect opportunity for you to unwind and enjoy nature in its wholeness. You could go camping, take a hike, walk a trail or even try some new hobby like bird watching or star gazing. These activities allow you to sample nature and appreciate its beauty. As a dual language teacher, you are constantly bogged down by work. The outdoors will allow you to relax and have some ME time! Try meditating, yoga, and writing down your thoughts to prepare for the anxiety that ensues with the school year.

However, when summer comes along, you can let it all go and choose to have fun away from the thick volumes of books or heavy folders of assignments. All you have to do is know where to start.

Patricia Griselda Pérez
Author: Patricia Griselda Pérez

Dr. Patricia Pérez holds an A.A. from Ohlone College: B.A. and M.S. degree from California State University, East Bay and an Ed.D. from the University of San Francisco. She serves as an educator, consultant and teacher coach, which provides professional development, curriculum development and multicultural awareness services to local and international educational institutions and corporations. Dr. Pérez is fluent in Spanish and began her career as an elementary school teacher in a bilingual classroom. In the past two decades, she has developed a wide range of experience working at every level of public education, providing support to educators and directly to students. Her interest focus on promoting educational excellence through equity in order to overcome institutional barriers that confront underserved students of diverse backgrounds. Dr. Pérez is also an accomplished writer and has published in the areas of multicultural education and organizational management and leadership. She is a contributing author to Multicultural Education in Practice: Transforming One Community at a Time and Collaboration and Peak Performance: A Multidisciplinary Perspective for Emerging Leaders.

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